Opening Note From The Editors

Hello, friends! Welcome to A Window Into Pride, an LGBTQ+ Pride themed anthology brought to you by the editor
and founder of Lit Space Magazine. This anthology’s goal is to bring LGBTQ+ teens from across the USA together
during a Pride month in quarantine through the creation of original art and writing. If you're new here, be sure to check
out and follow us on Instagram @litspacemagazine! 

Firstly, a reminder: This Pride month and always, let’s remember to stand up for the rights of all people whose liberty
is under attack. It is the shared responsibility of every member of the LGBTQ+ community, regardless of their race or
religion, to speak out against not only homophobia and transphobia, but racism and every other kind of bigotry that has
brought injustice and pain into the world. Please stay educated, stay conscious, and stay strong. Here at Lit Space, we
strive to amplify all marginalized voices and ensure that everyone has a right to be heard. 

This anthology is a culmination of art and writing from a diverse group of creative LGBTQ+ teenagers from across the
USA. This year has been incredibly difficult and we’ve all had to overcome challenges the likes of which we haven’t seen
before. But the cancellation of so many in-person Pride gatherings does not mean that our community cannot come together
in other ways. Being lucky enough to read these beautiful and inspiring submissions has been a wonderful experience for us,
and we hope this digital anthology can bring all of you a little light, happiness, and strength. 

"We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference,
and live our lives in a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity of humanity." 
--George Takei
Lit Space's Editors

PS: Stay tuned for a list of resources relevant to current events, especially in the USA.


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